USAF Holiday Splendor Celebrated with AHF

This past December, Maj. Justin Lewis, the Commander and Conductor of the Band of the West, met with staff from the Airman Heritage Museum and the Airman Heritage Foundation’s (AHF) Education/Outreach Program Manager, Dave Shultz, to request a static display and Living History component for their annual “Holiday in Blue” concert at the Tobin Center in downtown San Antonio on 17 and 18 December. During the concert, the Band of the West wanted to spotlight the 75th Anniversary of the end of the Berlin Airlift in a big way. The request involved three different segments: a static display, a Living History presentation and a stage show featuring the “Candy Bomber” Lt. Gail Halvorsen. Thanks to a productive collaborative effort, the AHF’s mission was executed in a meaningful and impactful way as more than 3,400 attendees experienced various displays created much to everyone’s sheer delight, to include the AETC/CC Lt. Gen. Robinson and Brig. Gen. Randy Oakland, Joint Base San Antonio and 502d Air Base Wing Commander.


Shultz orchestrated AHF’s efforts noting that the Berlin Airlift occurred prior to the fielding of Air Force blue uniforms and apparel. “The airlift took place during what is called the “transition period” when we were still wearing Army Air Corps uniforms as it took some time to design and field the new USAF apparel.” Shultz mentioned, “Almost everything on display was original issue period items except some reproduction footwear and some of the jackets.”  The Airman Heritage Museum came through in the clutch by assisting with transport, set-up, and recovery of the static display. Kudos go to Mr. Bill Manchester, SSgt. Juan Godoy, and Mr. Fernando Cortez for their invaluable assistance.


Maj. Lewis commented, “This is the third time the AHF has come to the rescue for me–twice while I was the Commander of the USAF Band of Mid-America at Scott AFB and during my first major concert here in San Antonio. Thanks to Lt. Col. Shultz’s die-hard support we won an Emmy Award for a 1960’s era Christmas video we produced at Scott a couple years ago. Then an Air Tanker/Airlift Convention we held in Dallas the following year, where he dressed up a dozen airmen in period uniforms spotlighting the heroes of AMC from WWI to the present. Gen. Minnihan was so thoroughly impressed he coined the entire crew involved. And once again, here at Lackland he’s done it again with over-the-top support, putting the proverbial icing on the cake.”


Mission accomplished. Veterans honored. AF legacy once again shared with thousands more.